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How AMW Was Started...

As I sat in yet another hotel room, staring out to miles unknown, it finally occurred to me that my life had become that cliche..."all work and no play makes Kristin unhappy and sad." It wasn't until I lost my soulmate and most influential teacher of my life, that a shift in thought and heart began.

In 2021, my beloved dog Aspen, had become a tripod, and in 2022, succumbed to cancer.  She had lived everyday like the most beautiful and wondrous adventure.  She swam both oceans, crossed countless streams, climbed mountains to snow peaked views and ran golf courses from Montauk to Del Mar and Port Townsend to Palm Beach.  
















All the while, I traveled and traveled and traveled.  I missed many days with her, working for others, building their businesses - ultimately sending me to hospitals, emergency clinics and a life of stress. Yearning for time to hike and play, but knowing I had to work to maintain a lifestyle, it finally occurred to me that if I was going to continue down this path, Aspen had to

make journeys with me, and that she did. We took on the road, RV bound, from east to west and north to south, all along she was preparing me, taking me where I needed to go - I just didn't

know it yet. 




























The morning after she passed, I decided to book a trip to the Arctic - to find polar bears, and ultimately, my purpose.  It took another year,and a fractured spirit, but we made it to here.


So back up many years, just to give a bit of background. I am a former junior, amateur and collegiate athlete, lucky enough to have parents that supported my dream of playing golf at the highest level. They took me to junior tournaments throughout the state of Washington and eventually the U.S. all the while encouraging me, and pushing me (next paragraph), to be the next Nancy Lopez.


In 1983, my father passed away from a three-year battle with cancer.  He was one of those guys that you either loved, or didn't as his love of life was insatiable, sometimes irritating, but also such a beautiful gift. He was before his time in many ways, understanding golf and fueling a love for the game in a way that I am now discovering.  He meant well, but pushed me hard.  His dying wish was for me to attend Florida State University as they were the best golf school at the time (winning the National Title in 1982).  I lettered all for years and was honored as Academic All Conference (senior year).  After college my dream came true; I competed at the professional level in Europe (then the WPGET now the LET), Asia, Australia, and South Africa.  It was during the off weeks in Europe that I developed a love for the world of teaching...and just exploring the world!  It was a four-year run playing against some of the world's best players, traveling to over 50 countries, and spending time along the fjords of Norway - sharing anything I could about the game of golf.

Throughout all the blessings, the gifts of travel, I decided that my heart just wasn't in playing the game but teaching the game.  "Those who can't play the game, teach the game" that statement is only partly correct as there is another side - just as there is to every story.  

Upon returning to the United States, I began teaching in South Florida and Boston, finally finding my way to Aspen, CO.  Along the way, I began another life in textiles and apparel, working for a private label company and then the luxury market - heading production and sales for a few of golf's most exclusive grands.  In addition, I founded a travel company and printed journal (digital was not available) - taking people to the worlds most beautiful golf courses.  Unfortunately, the wear and tear of travel and constant grinding, trying to "be enough" in life - in November of 2013, I ended up in the ICU after an emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer.  My body was full of inflammation and so very unfamiliar to me.  What happened?  How did I get here?  What do I do?

After leaving the hospital, I went on a journey to find me...what was the best for my body.  Getting certified as a nutritionist and health coach (with further education in raw vegan cooking), aromatherapist and then...RYT500 Yoga instructor, I just kept missing the point. 













Helping others achieve their dreams was always so important to me.  As an only child, being a part of a team, meant the world.  It wasn't until my last few years in the apparel industry that it dawned on me that it was time to believe in myself, to start a new chapter, one that would be fulfilling to my purpose, joy and soul.  Oddly enough, that new chapter is just a continuation of one that started so many years teach, share and encourage others to play a game that mirrors so much of life.  With almost 19,000+ lessons under the spikes, a new teacher at the helm (Nanook), I can only hope that AMW will be of assistance to those who are there to listen, to take a digital (or live!) trip into the imagination of golf and pass on what they learn...always giving back.









Miracles in the Arctic


RV in the Road Less Traveled

Running Bandon!

February 2021 - the Day of Change

Beginning of a New Era

Finding My Way...

Promise of a New Beginning

A Gift from "The Angel"

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